Must I live in Oakville?
No. We also have members that live in Milton and Burlington. However, we will point out to potential members if your home town has a Newcomer Club itself that you may prefer to join rather than Oakville. But if you are living close to Oakville, or already have friends in the Club and would like to join, then you are welcome to join our Club.
How many years may I belong to ONC?
You can now be a member of ONC indefinitely.
I have lived in Oakville for > 4 years, can I still join ONC?
You are welcome to join the club, if you have recently gone through a life changing situation where you find yourself in need of new connections. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about your eligibility to join. Or you were previously an ONC member when you first moved to Oakville. In the latter case, you may have been or still are an Alumni member.
Membership Fee
What period does the membership fee cover?
Your membership fee covers membership from September to August the following year. (There is a reduced fee if you join after April 1st).
What is the membership fee used for?
The ONC is run entirely by volunteers and is a non-profit making organization. Membership fees are used to insure all members for ONC activities and events. The club also has to meet overheads such as maintaining our website and Team APP. Funds are also used for insurance, refreshments for all our Social activities (coffee mornings, Monthly Socials, Year End Party etc.) and incidentals such as promotional materials, fees to National Newcomers etc.
What is the cost if I want to join only one interest group?
The membership fee covers the cost of joining the ONC. You can join a single interest group or as many interest groups as you like, once you are a member – the cost remains the same.
Can I get a refund - I never got around to attending anything?
The membership fee is non-refundable, so make sure you get involved as soon as you join!
Member Communication
How does the Club communicate with its members?
In Feb 2020, the Club launched its own ONC APP via Stack Team App. This App is free to download onto smartphones or desktops (we will provide full instructions). The App is the only source for our Calendar, Resources, Photos and News. You receive notifications for events and news from the groups that you have signed up to. You will control which activity groups you want to be part of. This new tool is integral to the club, and you need to use it in order to be invited to events.
Once you have completed the Membership process on ONC Stack Team App and made payment to the club, our Membership
Co-ordinator contact you. (Please allow for 7 - 10 days for payment processing and your information to be added).
The APP is totally free!! Please identify that you want to join Oakville Newcomers Club as your Team Club, and register some key personal details, upload a photo and indicate that you will "allow contact info to be visible to other members" to complete your profile.
Do you use Facebook?
Yes we have a private FaceBook page for members only. This is a quick way to communicate with other members about event promotion & view event photos, as well as asking questions about recommendations for XYZ, and other local activities. Once you are a member, you can request to join our private Facebook, and will be approved to join once your membership is confirmed.
We also have a Facebook page, again for members only, so that you can look to buy and sell private items like household goods, sporting equipment, toys etc. Once you are a member, you can request to join our private FaceBook called ONC Marketplace.
Finally, we have a public FaceBook page for prospective members or general public to promote our club.
Activity Groups
How can I sign up to an Activity Group?
Once you have signed up and paid your membership fee, we will automatically add you to all available activity groups. If you wish to opt out of any of them, you can do so easily on the ONC app.
Why do I not get invited to Activity Events?
Please ensure that you have downloaded the ONC app and are a member of all the activity groups you are interested in. When new events are created for a particular group, you will receive a notification on your phone, and by email. If you did not receive a recent notification, it could be because you joined the group after the notification for a new event was sent out. As long as you are a member of the activity group, you will be able to view the event on the calendar and sign up.
Why can’t I see all the events for the week on my ONC app calendar?
On the ONC app, you can only see events for the activity groups you belong to. You can be in as many activity groups as you want, however if you opt out of a group, you will no longer see their events in the ONC app.
I have an idea for a new Activity Group, who do I talk to?
Our club depends on its members to set up & operate all of the activities offered, so if you have a new idea for a new activity group, then please approach one of the Executive Board or another convenor, who can help you.
Do you have to pay $ to attend activity events?
It depends on the event. Some events are free of charge like Monthly Coffee (just bring your coffee cup) and Monthly Social (we provide you with a free glass of wine!). Some events will require a $ fee to cover set costs, like Cooking Group. Other events will be payable locally and will be at your own cost, such as Lunch Bunch and Culture Group. All events will specify in the event description details whether any costs will be payable, and if so when, as well as any related cancellation policy.
Do I have to host events?
Some activity groups meet in members’ homes, to avoid venue rental costs. Generally, people take it in turns to host; however, there may be occasions where you feel unable to do so. In this event, you can contact the convenor of the group to discuss other ways in which you can help – perhaps by co-hosting or helping with refreshments.
Other FAQ
I am a new member, what happens next?
Once you have joined our club, you will be contacted by initially our Welcome Committee. The Welcome Committee will invite you to their next Welcome Coffee and/or Welcome Dinner, where you can meet some of the other recent new joiners. You can also ask more questions about our activities, using the APP, and general questions about living / adjusting to life in Oakville. We can also set you up with a Buddy in your local area.
I completed my form but haven’t heard from you….
Please ensure that you have also made payment to the Club via ONC Team App. We are operated by volunteers, so it may be that it takes 7 - 10 days for confirmation of a completed form and appropriate payment. Thereafter, please contact our Membership Co-ordinator at membership@oakvillenewcomersclub,com
I want to get more involved with the Club, what can I do?
Activity groups are regularly looking for hosts for events such as Monthly Coffee or Cooking. So you can approach these convenors to volunteer to host an event. We also offer Magic Moments for one-off events that any members can organise. If you want to get more formally involved, you can look to be part of the Executive Team, although recruitment for these Executive Team roles is generally in March – April each year.
Can I bring other people to events?
Generally, we say no to bringing guests to events for insurance purposes. But you are welcome to bring a prospective member to a Monthly Social. Husbands / Partners are also invited to our monthly Beverage Soiree event. Children can attend some activities by invitation or purpose like Moms & Tots.
Can I try the club out before I join?
Yes, you are welcome to join us at one of our monthly socials or one of our organized ONC activities. You will get to meet other members and decide if you want to join our Club.
Can I get a lift to the events?
We have members living all over Oakville, so where possible, we can help with trying to find somebody near you who may be able to help out. Contact our Welcoming Committee at [email protected]. This might be one of our Buddy system or Executive Team. Or it could simply be a post on FaceBook trying to coordinate with another member in your area.
Must I live in Oakville?
No. We also have members that live in Milton and Burlington. However, we will point out to potential members if your home town has a Newcomer Club itself that you may prefer to join rather than Oakville. But if you are living close to Oakville, or already have friends in the Club and would like to join, then you are welcome to join our Club.
How many years may I belong to ONC?
You can now be a member of ONC indefinitely.
I have lived in Oakville for > 4 years, can I still join ONC?
You are welcome to join the club, if you have recently gone through a life changing situation where you find yourself in need of new connections. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about your eligibility to join. Or you were previously an ONC member when you first moved to Oakville. In the latter case, you may have been or still are an Alumni member.
Membership Fee
What period does the membership fee cover?
Your membership fee covers membership from September to August the following year. (There is a reduced fee if you join after April 1st).
What is the membership fee used for?
The ONC is run entirely by volunteers and is a non-profit making organization. Membership fees are used to insure all members for ONC activities and events. The club also has to meet overheads such as maintaining our website and Team APP. Funds are also used for insurance, refreshments for all our Social activities (coffee mornings, Monthly Socials, Year End Party etc.) and incidentals such as promotional materials, fees to National Newcomers etc.
What is the cost if I want to join only one interest group?
The membership fee covers the cost of joining the ONC. You can join a single interest group or as many interest groups as you like, once you are a member – the cost remains the same.
Can I get a refund - I never got around to attending anything?
The membership fee is non-refundable, so make sure you get involved as soon as you join!
Member Communication
How does the Club communicate with its members?
In Feb 2020, the Club launched its own ONC APP via Stack Team App. This App is free to download onto smartphones or desktops (we will provide full instructions). The App is the only source for our Calendar, Resources, Photos and News. You receive notifications for events and news from the groups that you have signed up to. You will control which activity groups you want to be part of. This new tool is integral to the club, and you need to use it in order to be invited to events.
Once you have completed the Membership process on ONC Stack Team App and made payment to the club, our Membership
Co-ordinator contact you. (Please allow for 7 - 10 days for payment processing and your information to be added).
The APP is totally free!! Please identify that you want to join Oakville Newcomers Club as your Team Club, and register some key personal details, upload a photo and indicate that you will "allow contact info to be visible to other members" to complete your profile.
Do you use Facebook?
Yes we have a private FaceBook page for members only. This is a quick way to communicate with other members about event promotion & view event photos, as well as asking questions about recommendations for XYZ, and other local activities. Once you are a member, you can request to join our private Facebook, and will be approved to join once your membership is confirmed.
We also have a Facebook page, again for members only, so that you can look to buy and sell private items like household goods, sporting equipment, toys etc. Once you are a member, you can request to join our private FaceBook called ONC Marketplace.
Finally, we have a public FaceBook page for prospective members or general public to promote our club.
Activity Groups
How can I sign up to an Activity Group?
Once you have signed up and paid your membership fee, we will automatically add you to all available activity groups. If you wish to opt out of any of them, you can do so easily on the ONC app.
Why do I not get invited to Activity Events?
Please ensure that you have downloaded the ONC app and are a member of all the activity groups you are interested in. When new events are created for a particular group, you will receive a notification on your phone, and by email. If you did not receive a recent notification, it could be because you joined the group after the notification for a new event was sent out. As long as you are a member of the activity group, you will be able to view the event on the calendar and sign up.
Why can’t I see all the events for the week on my ONC app calendar?
On the ONC app, you can only see events for the activity groups you belong to. You can be in as many activity groups as you want, however if you opt out of a group, you will no longer see their events in the ONC app.
I have an idea for a new Activity Group, who do I talk to?
Our club depends on its members to set up & operate all of the activities offered, so if you have a new idea for a new activity group, then please approach one of the Executive Board or another convenor, who can help you.
Do you have to pay $ to attend activity events?
It depends on the event. Some events are free of charge like Monthly Coffee (just bring your coffee cup) and Monthly Social (we provide you with a free glass of wine!). Some events will require a $ fee to cover set costs, like Cooking Group. Other events will be payable locally and will be at your own cost, such as Lunch Bunch and Culture Group. All events will specify in the event description details whether any costs will be payable, and if so when, as well as any related cancellation policy.
Do I have to host events?
Some activity groups meet in members’ homes, to avoid venue rental costs. Generally, people take it in turns to host; however, there may be occasions where you feel unable to do so. In this event, you can contact the convenor of the group to discuss other ways in which you can help – perhaps by co-hosting or helping with refreshments.
Other FAQ
I am a new member, what happens next?
Once you have joined our club, you will be contacted by initially our Welcome Committee. The Welcome Committee will invite you to their next Welcome Coffee and/or Welcome Dinner, where you can meet some of the other recent new joiners. You can also ask more questions about our activities, using the APP, and general questions about living / adjusting to life in Oakville. We can also set you up with a Buddy in your local area.
I completed my form but haven’t heard from you….
Please ensure that you have also made payment to the Club via ONC Team App. We are operated by volunteers, so it may be that it takes 7 - 10 days for confirmation of a completed form and appropriate payment. Thereafter, please contact our Membership Co-ordinator at membership@oakvillenewcomersclub,com
I want to get more involved with the Club, what can I do?
Activity groups are regularly looking for hosts for events such as Monthly Coffee or Cooking. So you can approach these convenors to volunteer to host an event. We also offer Magic Moments for one-off events that any members can organise. If you want to get more formally involved, you can look to be part of the Executive Team, although recruitment for these Executive Team roles is generally in March – April each year.
Can I bring other people to events?
Generally, we say no to bringing guests to events for insurance purposes. But you are welcome to bring a prospective member to a Monthly Social. Husbands / Partners are also invited to our monthly Beverage Soiree event. Children can attend some activities by invitation or purpose like Moms & Tots.
Can I try the club out before I join?
Yes, you are welcome to join us at one of our monthly socials or one of our organized ONC activities. You will get to meet other members and decide if you want to join our Club.
Can I get a lift to the events?
We have members living all over Oakville, so where possible, we can help with trying to find somebody near you who may be able to help out. Contact our Welcoming Committee at [email protected]. This might be one of our Buddy system or Executive Team. Or it could simply be a post on FaceBook trying to coordinate with another member in your area.